Your Own Personal Echo Chamber

Time for another FaceBook rant! An article published recently in Rolling Stone magazine does a good job of correlating the numerous issues begetting contemporary social media cyber culture.

Whether Facebook is just a reflection of modern society or a key driver of it, the picture isn’t pretty.  The companies awesome data-mining tactics wedded to it’s relentless hyping of the culture of self has helped create a world where billions of people walk with bent heads, literally weighed down by their own bullshit, eyes glued to tele-screen style mobile devices that read us faster than we can read them.

As one of FB’s overtly public victims (including ALL traditional media and news sources), Rolling Stone may have an ax to grind.  But as with all memes and stereotypes, regardless of their truth or relevance today, the sentiment (or thing) had to start somewhere.
In this case, Mr. Taibbi’s analysis appears to me to be spot on.  That is an accolade journalists rarely get from me these days.  I’m presently leaning towards agreement that a Ma-Bell-Style breakup might be the best course of action. I think that’s the least we could do for “a giant blood-engorged tick hanging off your frontal lobe.”

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