Trump's Latest Distraction

The Commander in Chump’s current obsession with Amazon is truly entertaining, to say the least. Despite their relentless late-night attacks, it’s easy to see why the comedians just love the Trumpmiester. You can’t make this shyt up. Stumbled upon just now:

“How much longer are the Lemmings going to support this idiot? FACTS: The Post Office makes a tidy profit carrying Amazon packages. Unlike the junk mail we are still deluged with. When will Herr Drumph go after those folks? Next fact: Amazon collects and remits sales tax in all the states which charge it. Unlike many other online businesses – most notably eBay.  Trump is going after Amazon because its founder Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post which keeps annoyingly publishing stories that are less than flattering to El Douchee and his Cabinet of misfits.  Donnie – how about we discuss how you and your cabinet are fleecing taxpayers so you can vacation all over the world? Trump didn’t drain the swamp, he restocked it with new species of cretins and grifters.”

Thank you Micheal Steel, whoever you are, for posting the truth. Amazon is probably one of the few big companies currently doing an ethical, good job. They pay decent wages and provide employment to thousands of Americans in an expanding business, meeting growing demand. Comparing or tying that to the USPS in any way whatsoever is so flagrantly absurd only the Trumpster could come up with it.
He should be talking about privatizing the Postal Service (not the VA!). USPS has been a losing proposition almost since day one. What’s that old adage about “…good money after bad?” Would it take much more than re-painting a few thousand trucks and have about half their employees fill out new employment paperwork with FedEx or UPS?

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