Maybe Somebody Just Needs to STFU

…Online, at least. Politics and Teaching – what a combination. Exactly what “is” a teacher or professor’s job these days? Apparently the job description now includes molding young minds in the likeness of their preferred political bent. Publicly. Really? I wonder if this guy’s classes often started with a review and discussion of his most recent Twitter posts? Must be quite a few cleaned-up minds coming out of Drexel these days.

This is for you, teachers and professors across the country: Teach. Mentor. Study. Research. Then when it’s time to spend your free time online, consider NOT waxing political. If you feel like you can’t keep it non-partisan, then just STFU. “Free thinking” is only supposed to be free for the person doing the thinking. If you expect to use taxpayer dollars intended for education (your salary) to run a political campaign or be some sort of political activist, your ass needs fired.

This is just the tip of the social media iceberg boogeyman.

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