Fall Road Trip

Arrived back in Frederick at 18:22 Yesterday, after a quick blast through Kansas and Colorado on I-70. The drive east on I-80 2 weeks ago was a bit less than satisfying, due to road construction and congestion, but I-70 coming back was fine, with only the one $3 toll out of Kansas City, to boot. I was surprised at the apparently optional speed limit yesterday. I flew right by the Kansas State patrol at 83 in the posted 75 zones twice. Then people started passing me in Colorado. So I bumped it up to 88 for the rest of the cruise all the way into Denver and STILL got passed a couple of times! Only drawback was the expected hard hit to fuel mileage, which seems to drop precipitously holding it anything over 80mph. The sweet spot for fuel mileage is around 70, where the BMW M57 inline 6 3L diesel returns an amazing 42.5 MPG in this car.

Francie seems to be doing great out in Plymouth. No doubt we will be hearing more about the good things she is doing in school there. The school, town and community all seem really nice. It’s a resort/tourist area for the most part, with little to none of the big city trappings I would worry about for a young lady starting out on her own. She was only last week chosen to be one of the “Faces of Plymouth” for this year’s recruiting campaign, so it looks like they like her, too. Didn’t spend much time at the White Oak Hotel, about 15 minutes east of Plymouth, except to sleep. It was OK for a cheap motel, clean, but a bit pricey for a somewhat dilapidated old place, even in this rural tourist trap. Nevertheless, a very nice location, by the lake.

White Oak Lake
I stopped at the Bethel Center for the Performing Arts on my way from Plymouth to Pittsburgh, since it was right along the way. They have a very nice museum and outdoor concert venue at the old Woodstock Festival site there. It seemed appropriate and timely to me, having more than once recently remarked how it seems like we are back in the 60’s these days with all the war and civil strife going on. Stand by for a big load of pics to be posted as I get more time to do that in the upcoming days.

Mom, Dad and Sis all seem good, as well. The only issue I saw back in the “old ‘hood” was my growing concern for Mom living alone. So we will continue urging her to move in with Duke up in Beaver at the earliest opportunity. Got a little computer work done for Dad, so I was able to make myself useful there. Ron is talking about retirement, and Carolyn starts chemo therapy soon, so the jury is still out on how well she’s doing. Weather was great the whole time, except for some rain on the way home, so overall – mission accomplished!

Fall Trip Stats

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