Protesting the National Anthem – WTF NFL?

Of course it is unfortunate not all special interest groups and minorities feel 100% totally equal and accepted in our society. Put things in perspective and ask yourself in what country anywhere does that idyllic paradise actually exist? Or even compares favorably to the USA on that topic? Then contemplate where we stand today, compared to 10, 20, 50 or 100 years ago.

What exactly are you protesting? Our flag and national anthem are symbols of the freedom and justice that allows you to protest and gives athletes of all colors and creed the opportunity to make millions of dollars playing a game. Are you protesting social injustice, or exploiting a hot-button to attract attention?

You definitely have the attention of this veteran who gave the best years of his life to defending your right to protest. But it’s not like you think. My attention to TV time watching pro football just went retrograde.  What a shame rascism rears it’s head in one of the few places the actual playing field even approaches level..

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