St. Vrain School District Issue

I felt compelled to send this note to the district this afternoon”

It is absolutely reprehensible how today we must come to grips with another suicide at our school. I blame the leadership of this school district. We didn’t have this problem when I was in school. I believe it comes down to a simple lack of discipline and leadership. Bullies followed that boy to his home trying to start a fight not long ago. I want to know what is being done about the bullying problem. I also want to see those associated with the aforementioned incident held accountable. They must learn their actions have consequences. You will find this note posted on my personal blog at, along with my and your (if any) and other’s responses. I will be keen to publicly evaluate attitude(s), actions and/or inactions on your part. Enough is enough.

We’ll see what they have to say…

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