Big Move-In Re-install #2 Complete!

It was actually pretty much finished 2 weeks ago, but I was waiting for the driftwood to become waterlogged enough to sink before taking pictures:

It was alot of work upgrading and re-finishing the stand/cabinet while juggling renovation activities during the summer. Fortunately the vendor (Glasscages from TN) was very late getting it delivered, and even so I had to scramble to get the stand and floor bracing done only the day before the new tank arrived at the freight terminal in Aurora.

The floor under the new >1-ton unit feels more solid now than it did with the old 80-gallon tank. The entire Frederick girls varsity volleyball team was standing around it watching me feed the fish last week, so looks like it will hold up OK. Now I have to work on getting the goldfish into the recently vacated basement tank before winter sets in.

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