CT Scan Results

…or not, as t’were.  Saw one of the big round X-Ray machines at the Denver VA hospital again for a coronary CT scan last Tuesday.  It’s unbelievable how many X-rays I’ve had for joint and heart problems in the past three years.  If the Coronary condition doesn’t kill me, radiation-induced cancer probably will.  So a week later and no word about the scan from the VA.  Wonder if they are reeling from recent fiascos.  Hopefully no news is good news…

I started taking Lodine again, with nitro at the ready.  After 10 days on it I do feel better joint-wise, but can also feel an increase in circulatory congestion in terms of upper chest discomfort, compared to the OTC Naproxin anti-inflammatory.  No acute episodes yet.  I suppose I will call them tomorrow and see if anyone has any update information.  Maybe I’m just a normal 55 year-old hypochondriac.

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