Final Thought on Ikonos

The Ikonos program proved to be a very successful, pioneering advance for the country’s space imaging business, not surprisingly originally named “Space Imaging,” as it was spun off from Lockheed.  Despite the 1st vehicle’s launch failure, Ikonos2 went on to produce imaging products for hundreds of customers around the world and provide an invaluable source of ISR material for our nation’s warfighters.  It was a key enabler for recovery efforts in countless man-made and natural disasters among many, many other successful endeavors utilizing it’s products.  Ikonos continues in that role now approaching 15 years on orbit and for that, everyone ever involved with the program can be proud.  My only reservation is leaving a very viable asset going to waste as DigitalGlobe shuffles it into the background of low priority and neglect.

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