Crunchbang (#!) It Is!

During the process of bringing Francie’s old laptop out of retirement a few weeks ago, I was looking around trying to decide what OS to install and stumbled on an unfamiliar Linux distro I decided to use called “Crunchbang.”  A Brit bloke from Lincoln, UK going by the handle “corenomial” organizes and provides it as a minimalist Debian system.  How did I go all these recent years unaware of this little gem in the midst of the hopelessly splintered Linux ecosystem?  I’ve browsed Distrowatch a time or 2, but somehow never came across it.

So in three short weeks I have completed migrating almost my entire home network to #!.  Only the Apple side of the house and the two oldest PCs going with older Redhat versions as their primary OS, simply without the processing power to run a modern kernel remain un-banged.  If you are tired of the bloatware, distracting eye candy and commercial creep being seen in the Linux world today give #! a try.  I bet you see it my way, too.

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