The Politics of Fear are Munching Ass

That’s what it sounded like to me coming from Lindsey Graham at FBI testimony this morning. Implying the ease with which really dangerous foreign terrorists could have infiltrated The Capitol on January 6th along with an overt offer of additional resources in his opening questions to Mr. Wray, made Lindsey sound worried his own fat ass now seems somehow more liable to get blown off right where it sits one of these days.

Graham should rest easy knowing The BoBitch and MTG will be right there brandishing their Glockā„¢ in either defense against or(?) in support of an armed insurrection at The Country’s hallowed halls. We’ll never know the difference if Repugs succeed obfuscating history.

At least Kennedy reliably delivered a meandering, pointless line of questioning illustrating one thing beyond any doubt: The Capitol building inhabitants themselves are pretty clueless about either the country’s or their own personal security.

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