Last Season Pond Pics

I was neglecting the Photo Album pretty badly last year. Everything is backed way up behind my slow work pace nowadays. At least I can do the computer stuff with minimal physical discomfort. According to the SSA, that’s why I’m not really disabled – because I can still sit in front of a computer.

Here’s a few pics that sat on the Pixel account for months until today. The pond ran well into the fall for the first time last year. I even tried installing a couple of 1k-watt heaters to keep the fish out of dormancy, but it soon became clear heating that much water outside later in the year around here is a huge energy waste. Goldfish were eating the birdseed in that first pic. There’s a total of 20 shots from last Summer and Fall around the middle of this page. This one shows the sump pumping out the day after I drained it.

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