Living with this Lumbar Injury

It’s a matter of adapting and learning to do things differently. Use leverage, split things up into smaller chunks, take lots of rest breaks. For example, it took almost 3 months to complete the deck refurb last spring/summer, on a job I’d conservatively have estimated taking 2 weeks max, if I could just work on it all day. The worst part is one of the things I really enjoyed and planned to spend my retirement doing more of – hiking with the dogs – is mostly out the window. It’s just no fun anymore. Any time on my feet is a forced march now. I’ve lost full use of the entire right side of my body. I am what we call “butthurt” – literally.

24 JAN 21: Took the dogs on a long (1hr) walk yesterday trying to establish Monday as “long walk day.” Muscle strain/soreness was acute last night and little diminished this morning, with the right thigh twitching at an alarming resting rate. Sometimes I can drive it and the right glute into continuously twitching to the point of making me stop whatever I’m doing if the particular activity is aggravating things in just the wrong sort of way. Basically any type of movements on my feet be it walking, light housework, playing with the pets – anything involving ambulatory movement aggravates it to some extent, with the glutes and right leg stiff and sore 24/7. The glow from L4-5 expands to eventually include the entire midsection and right thigh until muscle exhaustion sets in before long. It’s difficult to describe, not pain, but a building tension or intensity that eventually becomes overwhelming. Actual pain now comes from the left side rebound and the right knee, when it flares.

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