126 GOP Lawmakers…

Have issues.  They are either traitorous seditionists, or dumb as a box of rocks.  I’ll wager both, in most cases.  At least we have a list now.  Thanks for volunteering your time to be prosecuted for crimes against the Unites States of America.  Every single GOP member, be they legislators, donors, card-carrying activists or just dumbasses who get their opinions off Facebook – every one of you cocksucking mutherfuckers can kiss my rosie red rectum.

Yeah, I suck Trump dick – it might keep me out of jail!

The most obvious issue is the Texas cretin who started it, looking for a pardon.  People need to vote these thievin’ idiots OUT!

“The Associated Press reported that the federal case relates to allegations made by seven senior lawyers in Paxton’s office who had accused him of abuse of office, bribery, and other crimes. The former colleagues have all left the office, and several brought a civil suit against Paxton as well.”

Throughout the pandemic, Republicans in government have remained steadfastly focused on one thing only:  Reelection.  Congratulations U.S. Congress!  You are now officially the most corrupt gang of morons ever to disgrace the halls of our government.  The New Confederates.

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