Here's the Long Pole

There are 3 or 4 poles holding up the GOP tent at this time.  We have the social media scam, which I am done writing about.  I simply will no longer tolerate anyone who believes and shares that crap.  Try telling it to me, and expect to have it thrown back in your face – literally with a fist, if it persists.  Pay attention family and friends.  Some may be walking on thin ice with me right now.  I have no use for anyone who supports the GOP in any way, shape or form whatsoever.  We’ll talk whenever you’re ready to admit your mistake, like I did.

Then we have the Wall Street/Corporate shaft running deep into all financial markets.  The man or woman behind the Oval Office face matters not, as long as business leaders and owners believe the government will support them with lower taxes, looser workplace standards and weak environmental regulations.  Can’t make as much money otherwise, so that stuff is for losers and suckers – the people and planet be damned.

There are 1 or 2 other lesser aspects to the electorate making politics the unpredictable, complex animal it is, but primary support for the inanity known as modern American Republicans comes from religion.  There’s good reason for that, going hand-in-hand with the 1st issue.  The devout are juicy, gullible targets because they have been conditioned to do and think what they are told all their lives.  Contrary to popular myth, unification -not separation- of church and state is the long pole in their tent – the Politics of Fear fits right into the culture.

This cultish, tribal behavior goes back to the beginning of recorded history, and represents the single most dangerous human behavior on the planet:  Idolatry.  It runs the gamut from pop recording artists to religious and political figures past and present – now including their boy, the Fuckwit.

Heaven awaits! Vote for me!
Anybody ever read this thing?

Two-faced hasn’t looked this deceitful since Hitler went to church.

“The consumption of mass media has had a profound effect on instilling the fear of terrorism in the United States, though acts of terror are a rare phenomenon.[20]”

Everybody enjoying being lied to?  We need freedom FROM religion – not freedom OF religion.  The tax-exempt status needs to go.  Allowing them to believe their money is better than anyone else’s all this time just feeds their ego, with politicians pandering for votes – nothing else.  Watch how fast they disappear into the rear-view mirror without the financial aspect (#2?) dovetailing nicely.

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