WTF is Article 25 for, then?

Der Komissar.

I was calling for it back before the impeachment started.  Now we have a POTUS that probably owes a half billion dollars to Putin standing in front of the nation on live TV refusing to denounce white supremacy.  Oh wait – now I remember!  We don’t use the Constitution any more.  I guess the framers never anticipated an entire cabinet full of criminals surrounding some fool like this would conspire with half the government in a bungled authoritarian power grab.  What a shitshow – debate, administration, court, government and all.

Just listen to the discourse.  Last evening was a culmination of the rotary-oscillator impelled excrement that’s been floating around Washing DC all term.  That’s the problem – people don’t listen to contrary information after they get a particularly comforting idea seated in their head.  All I’ve heard through the impeachment and countless media interviews with everyone on all sides ever since amounts to a complete disregard for all norms of decorum – legally, Constitutionally and morally.  In the backdrop of a pandemic, American politics vainly slashes at itself in the throes of a cartoonish death match.

The GOP strategy has been around forever and it’s called FUD – fear, uncertainty and doubt.  You can wrap up literally any and all cockamamie utterances emanating from the Fuckwit-in-Chief under this category.  That’s all they got.  But it sure is enough to create the mess of my lifetime when the President of the United States uses it as his only tool.  When all you got is a hammer…

Colbert nailed it – forget fact checking, they couldn’t do sentence finding:

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