Editorial Note: Stuff

It recently occurred to me since becoming a brutally honest political pundit, carelessly expressing my raunchy, even sadistic-at-times political opinions, a revelatory disclaimer should be presented.  I’m not a Democrat – never was.

I’ve been a staunch conservative all my voting life. Not because I personally held any beliefs or motivation in that direction, but only because that is what influences in my life led me to think was a favorable political position, generally speaking.  Never voted for issues or people, just along party lines, when I did vote.  I voted for Trump.  My calculus was simple, in the last, best example of not doing my homework:  Not a politician – check.  Not Hillary – check.  Done deal.

Why should I spend alot of time on that crap?  Until recently, politics to me was just the elite fighting over money, nothing for me to worry about.  Maybe I was too busy to really pay any attention until after I retired.  It was like a double-whammy.  Suddenly I had the time to follow all this disturbing politics bullshit I was hearing.  Talk about cognitive dissonance!  The useful idiot I expected to keep a lid on things by inaction, incompetence and generally non-governing, turns out to be a treasonous criminal.  And those expected results from things not getting done?  Wow.  Just wow.

I’m certainly not a Republican now, either.  The difference between smart and dumb people isn’t that smart people don’t make mistakes.  They just don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

It’s about time to do a little radical remodeling at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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