A Quick Look at the PA Headlines Today

I like to stay informed about the goings-on back in the old hood.  Sometimes I scroll through the feed and notice an unusually large number of stories calling out for a clarifying comment.

Police Declare Protest Outside Of Mayor Peduto’s Home ‘Unlawful Assembly:  I am pretty sure the right to assemble and protest is a constitutionally guaranteed thing in this country.  If you want to throw somebody in jail for making noise or destroying property, fine.  Even one blade of grass on the fucking lawn –  Fine.  But DON”T EVER mess with my constitutional rights, and stop acting like the government can just make it up as they go along.

Customs Seizes More Than $200,000 Worth Of Vaping Products Headed For Western Pennsylvania:  How much you wanna bet that crap was cut with acetate or some other garbage likely to kill people?  Anybody think it’s about time to get serious with the Cannabis issue?

President Of Pittsburgh FOP Predicts Mass Retirements From Police Officers:  Excellent!  That group likely contains the largest percentage of old-school racist pigs.  Good riddance.  Now start building a decent LE corps that cares about the community, instead of racist brutality.

There’s a couple more today, but you get the picture.  These things are BAD, but the conservatively perverted journalism embedded in that part of the country frames it like a game of whack-a-mole the bad guys in a bizzarro world where common sense is some sort of stealthy apparition to be avoided.  Sorry to tell you – this crap just keeps repeating until you eliminate the source of the problem.

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