Now I Know How Robocop Feels

Had the 6-month followup with Dr. Donner yesterday.  Everything looks good.  Certainly feels alot better than it did this time last year.  Apparently nerve root damage will leave me a little more crippled going forward.  Hoping it will resolve better over time.  At least it doesn’t hurt like it did before.  I remember talking with one of the docs a few years ago diagnosing the shoulder.  I jokingly quipped it probably wouldn’t be long before all my major joints were replaced.  She laughed and replied “oh, that never happens!”  I’m well on the way.

I don’t really have a belt buckle installed in my groin, but it probably wouldn’t make much difference at this point.

“12.AUG 2020: 6-Month Followup with Dr. Donner, and everything looks good. Minor healing discomfort which I expect to continue diminishing and remaining nerve root damage are the only notes from the lumbar surgery. The right knee is bad. We’ll need to see how I can nurse it along. I do not expect to have any further dealings of significant import with the healthcare system ever again.”

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