
Slash?  The black one turned out to be a boy, and dumb as they come.  He was gonna need a new name anyway, so “Boots” it is.  But after he attempted suicide by dog a week ago, “Dumbass” might have been more appropriate.  I didn’t see what happened, but heard it and looked up just in time to see Boots stagger away from the dog.  He’s quite the feisty little rascal, so I imagine he tried his flying 4-paw ninja attack on Jax while he was eating his biscuit.  I was afraid the kitten wasn’t gonna make it.  He lost alot of blood and wasn’t moving much when we got him to the pet ER.  Now he’s an $800 “free” cat, and the strong concussion followed by stitches clear across his head did not appear to slow him down at all.

Hope I can remember why my head hurts so bad!

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