Early Summer at 5712

I should have posted these over a month ago, but it’s been a somewhat difficult year for me, so far.  Despite the raging pandemic I imagine we are probably doing better than most.  Michelle kept working straight thru so far, Francie found a good summer job, and Phoebe started a new job as an Admin Assistant with a building contractor in Fredericksburg, TX just this past week.  My main job is just keeping the house maintained, with the next big project, refurbishing the deck, in active progress for several months now.  I’ll have a feature post on that ready when it’s done sometime in the next few weeks.

Front lawn doing really good this year. It’s all about the watering.

That pile of deadwood took me 2 days to get down from the NW corner tree out front after an early freeze almost killed it last fall.  There was 2 years worth of that type stuff to catch up on last spring.  It finally started becoming doable again after getting a lumbar fusion and brace to hold it together back in February.

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