Outdoors Ad (act)?

I was reticent to include the link to CO GOP’s article, being the obviously pro-Cunty people they are.  But upon reflection, it illustrates more vividly than any criticism I could possibly level, just how bereft of substantial content this son-of-a-bitch really is.  I suppose the message is “Retreat to the mountains and hide from Coronavirus!”  Still waiting to see how those kids do in class next month.  Good luck with that (topic) fuckface.

I wonder if your boss, the Fuckwit-in-Chief, will even sign the bill?  Seems like doing things just to piss people off is Trump’s normally expected path.  But go ahead and claim a hollow victory that has technically, not even happened – In this reality.

Great Outdoors Scam is more like it.  Funny thing is, even Gardner himself knows how fucked-up these lyin’ mutherfuckers are, but does nothing to stop them.  Here’s the real Cory Gardener:  Supporter of corporate greed and elitist propaganda.

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