How's Your Cancer Risk?

A big factor in that equation these days might be your proximity to the fracking industry.  Glad my Mom moved out of the place at 961 before those new brine tanks on the hilltop across the road got into production.  Can I expect to find my old neighborhood hopelessly contaminated soon?  Guess I’ll need to add a Geiger counter to my toolbag.

It’s all about the money, nothing else.

“But in the excitement of this boom there is little mention of the pipes, pumps, and filters in these plants that will become coated with radioactivity. Or of the fountain of radioactive brine and drill cuttings spewing forth from wells. Or of the workers being exposed, the land being contaminated. 

One question I ask these companies, says Smith, the New Orleans lawyer, ‘What have you done to go out and find all the radioactive waste you have dumped all over the United States for the past 120 years?’ And the answer is nothing.”

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