Remember the UPS Truck?

Black males, despite being central to the problem, aren’t the only ones getting needlessly killed by the cops.  Whatever happened to the nutbags who perpetrated this violent, appalling affront to society?  Here’s a new idea for ongoing police reorgs across the country:  No more high speed chases.  How about no more chases at all?  Roads are dangerous enough as it is.

The military has great success with overhead ISR.  Cops are all about militarization, right?  Get with the fuckin’ program.  How many drones you think you can get for the price of one fully equipped police cruiser?  Even better, start earmarking some of these dumbasses to sit behind a computer screen with a joystick instead of a  steering wheel with a gun.  Maybe they will learn something.

Flashing lights and sirens, or the element of surprise?

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