Outside Agitators?

Damn straight.  Hell, I’d go myself if I could, goddamn agitator that I am.  Those “outside agitators” sure are well organized – able to synchronize mass protests nationwide.  Must be some small group of outside agitators, right?  I’m outside this.  I’m agitated.  Actually, I’m fucking livid.  Agitate that.

What is wrong with the media narrative I keep hearing?  Things are going terribly wrong, so it must be somebody else’s fault – some shadowy “other” group, nobody can identify, right?  I am so goddamn sick and tired of the government and media trying to tell me what to be afraid of and who to hate.  Once again, Mike Littwin sums it up well, but I do have one nitpick there:  Vandalism and arson DO prove something.  They prove that the racial divide, multiplied by the political divide + SARSco-V2 = time to wake up and pull your fucking heads out.  You know who you are.

Fuck ’em all – especially Trump, the primary perpetrator of this inanity.

Just a practice drill for January.

People know who the real enemy is, and Beau remembers where the pitchforks are.  Like Trea said – fix this shyt, or learn to breathe smoke.

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