
Brazil’s Bolsanaro is stepping up to take the title of Covid-19 epicenter leader.  Trump will gladly hand over the mantle, and probably begin tweeting about how he did things so much better.  The sad truth is, Trump just set the example for one of his southerly sycophants.

“Some experts said Brazil’s stumbles are all the more shocking because of its previous success containing malaria, Zika and HIV.”

I’d characterize it more as predictable, than shocking.  Selfish, sociopaths really are quite predictable.  The only difference between Brazil and the USA in this respect is the scale of incompetence.  It will take longer for the virus to wind it’s way through our vast expanses, but the results will eventually end up the same.

“As of May 12, however, Brazil had processed just 482,743 tests. Of the 10 countries with the highest COVID-19 death toll, only the Netherlands had tested fewer people than Brazil – a country with a twelfth of the population.”

The body of Valnir Mendes da Silva, 62, lies on a sidewalk where he died, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 17, 2020. REUTERS/Ricardo Moraes

I was about to guess Africa was looking to take the worst hit overall, but South America has a good dose in it now.  Thanks, Donnie – keep up the good work!

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