Healthcare in Crisis

Take note of how many times you hear Trump and anyone in his administration comment to the effect that “our healthcare system has not been overwhelmed.”  That is exactly what Pence said yesterday – before we are even starting to come out of this.  It’s just another step in the ongoing GOP gas-lighting program.  The refrain making the Fox News rounds is “nobody died because they didn’t have a ventilator!”  So they were all properly treated right up until they died.  Brilliant.

Somebody explain how bodies in reefer trucks, new trenches opening up on Hart Island, and medical tents in Central Park attended by doctors wearing the same PPE all day and even all week in some cases means “not overwhelmed.”  Iran has an impressively big trench grave going.  Wonder how underwhelmed they are feeling right now.

I made a comment to the nice lady attempting to have a disabled vet sign some insurance paperwork at Rocky Mountain Regional the February morning of my fusion surgery two months ago.  She stated “we need to make sure you understand the insurance implication of your surgery in case the authorization does not go through,” as she slid the paper across the desk towards me.  I replied “I understand one thing about the healthcare system in this country today – it is in the crapper,” as I slid it back to her and got up to limp out.

No, not overwhelmed at all.

OBTW, Dr, Phil is an idiot, in case anybody wasn’t paying attention.

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