King Trump

Trump’s depraved authoritarian antics have reached the tipping point.  We always knew he was off his rocker, with recent utterings taking things to the next level:

April 10th:  “Staying at home leads to death”

April 13th:  “The president of the United States has the authority to do what the president has the authority to do, which is very powerful. The president of the United States calls the shots”

“When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total, and that’s the way it’s got to be. It’s total, and the governors know that.”

I cannot understand how anybody – I mean ANYBODY – finds this behavior acceptable in any way, shape of form.  How can you not be embarrassed to say you are a supporter?  If so, you are a traitor to this country.  I’d say it’s about time for 2-in-the-hat if there wasn’t more important business to attend to right at the moment.  Kinda hard getting anything done with an idiot like that standing in the way causing problems.

“Everything we did was right.”  Really?  Then I guess we’re lucky they didn’t do that.  But they wanted to – probably right up until Dr. Fauci warned him about the mortality problem extending to all.  It’s just pure stupidity ravaging the country.

He seems to think there is some big decision about re-opening the economy on his plate.  “the biggest decision I will ever make…” In fact, will be the inveterate liar’s biggest decision roundly ignored until White House moving day next year.

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