The Cult of Ignorance

Here’s the source of Asimov’s quote below, alluding to the root cause of the problem(s) in this country and many others today.  More to the point:  “America’s right to know is a meaningless slogan, when hardly anyone can read.”

It rings more true today, than ever.  Normal people hold no ill will against the simply ignorant.  It is the willfully ignorant I despise.  One common rallying cry heard lately is “Make the Liberals Cry Again!”  That’s all they care about.  Not any substance or issues – just hatred and bigotry, with no compunction for their mental state.

Failure IS an option.

They simply don’t understand that most GOP leadership is little more educated on the issues than them, with primary considerations being the Stock Market and the economy.  These cocksuckers literally do not care who or how many die.  ER’s are overflowing all across the country and these pricks want to make a point of getting back to work.  They viewed the pending Federal money giveaway as just another opportunity to prop up big industry.  Raging pandemic?  Sounds like a great reason to take up the anti-abortion banner, right?  We’ll just downplay it until it’s too late, then look at things from a conservative Xtian viewpoint when forced to confront reality.  Never let a good crises go to waste.  Fucking morons.

With one glaring exception: Being an intellectually-challenged Twit.  That IS your fault, asshole.

Get cellphones in everybody’s hands and pump ’em full ‘o shyt.  Brilliant.  Until the lies, misinformation and money comes out of politics, life as we knew it, is over.


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