How We Use Science

Too bad that’s not the worst of it.

How right can being wrong be?

Elon sending a quarter-million N95s

“But it turns out, nature is smarter than scientists, and the novel coronavirus found a way to mutate that was better — and completely different— from anything scientists could have created, the study found.”

A recent (yesterday?) poll said the majority of Americans approve of Trump’s crises handling.  They must have asked 10 people what they though about getting free money.  For those more reality-based readers.

These assholes called a government spent months watching the Wuhan disaster unfold as if it was some new entertainment channel on Youtube.  Now the Cunt-in-Chief stands before the country spreading misinformation and lies, while his crippled administration stands behind him in stark disbelief.  The good part is at least we saw it coming.  The bad news is we are woefully un-prepared.

He really wanted to do a full facepalm.  Is he fired yet?

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