Hypocrisy Defined

Throughout the impeachment drama, Republicans decried the “partisan whatever...”  This line of faulty logic typically follows a path of partisan election stealing, partisan Trump hating and/or a few other choice topics of widely recognized POTUS dissatisfaction.  So when the chips fall, a decision on the most fundamental question to appear before a deliberative body, perhaps ever, will be decided along party lines.

Talk about setting a dangerous precedent:  A trial without witnesses.  A trial indeed, with widely known evidence suppressed.  Witness the behavior of top officials, berating and abusing journalists in a mashup of starkly divided media lines.  In retrospect, it seems inevitable.  The Trump administration has gone rogue.

It is utterly astounding to me how Philbin can stand there and deny the assertion of crimes not instantiated as such in the articles, in total deference to the litany of crimes in the who, what, where, and why contained in overwhelming evidence supporting those articles.  Just astounding.

More or less organized. Presidential handlers are either asleep at the wheel or high as a kite.

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