A Breath of Fresh Air

It’s a bit difficult to say under the circumstances, but seeing the DG operators working the system, doing their own thing, looking at it with a critically unbiased eye, really is a breath of fresh air.  I’m starting to believe the dramatic changes now underway will eventually in the long run outweigh any personally negative feelings we may have regarding Lockheed losing the program, at least for as long as Ikonos lasts.  Looks like things will now be proceeding in a real team environment.

One of my biggest, if not only really substantive complaint was the inflexible, almost dogmatic way operations were implemented.  “That’s the way it’s always been done” was the tacity approved modus operandi.  Innovation, analysis or any attempted change to the status quo was actively stifled.  The very few people with any control selfishly administered this oppressive environment with an iron hand.

Good riddance to that.

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