One Last Thing for the ECHCS

Never let it be said I am ungrateful.  I always send thanks to where/whoever it is due.  Oddly(?) written communication with providers in “the system” includes only an ill-conceived “Secure Messaging” function.  In terms of basic healthcare applications, that was clearly nothing but a source of delay and confusion, at least for me and continues to this day.  I won’t follow up on the thread recently started with my new PC in the Cheyenne part of that system.  It went un-answered.  They probably assume anything to do with me is unlikely to turn out well at this point:

I don’t know how secure it is, but it definitely is not functional as a means of supporting patient/provider communication.  That took three days to get nothing accomplished or even acknowledged.  Maybe Annie is a sock, and the CYA effort continues?  Who knows.  Hard to tell with this so-called form of communication.  Look at any of these VA web sites and they are plastered with Facebook, Instagram, whatever-the-fuck social media “connect with” bullshit.  They cannot even connect the dots in their own records, much less connect with patients.  It’s not working – just like the suicide prevention program(s).

The IRIS (Inquiry Routing & Information System) system was the only way I could find to communicate.  That ultimately did not work for me either, apart from maybe this last little bit, even after my symptoms log snippet from the 1st complaint was input into the official record.  I still can’t be sure patient advocate Mr. Peterson got the message, but he did return my call, so we’ll call it good:  

Facts, or lack thereof, I should say.  Seems like alot of controversy surrounding facts these days.  Look no further than the screen in front of you for the problem.  I’d guess it holds around a 70/30 split fiction/fact ratio these days.  That’s only when anybody is even paying attention.

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