Opening it Up

After randomly analyzing the bot traffic during and after the 2016 election, I eventually had to cut off user access here.  It wasn’t as much a security issue as building into a sheer volume of annoyance issue for me, at least.  It still amazes me how brazenly overt and easily identifiable they were.  How was it not outed far earlier?  I’ll cook up a conspiracy theory on that later next week.  OTOH the MO is familiar:  Blatant bad behavior hiding in plain sight.  Where else have we seen that lately?

Anyway, It’s been awhile now, so I guess it’s safe to see if the Russkies (or Ukraranian, or Chinese or whoever the fuck state or local bad actors) email bots are still out in force.  Registration is now enabled.  But there will be a delay getting passwords out, and they will be seen coming from  

Comment requires only a “from” email.  Real registrations for real people who aren’t afraid to be themselves on the Internet are delayed as mentioned above due to new security requirements engendered in Trumpomania – the greatest shitshow on earth.

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