Most People Don't Get It

I no longer have one single fuck to give about climate change, the economy, healthcare, or any of the myriad politically-charged bullshit topics inundating the cyber and airwaves these days.  Because it’s bullshit.  It’s mostly just bullshit from bullshitters trying to get over and grab whatever they can for themselves.  So now we have a con man in the Oval Office, surrounded by a bunch of yes men out for nothing and nobody but themselves.

Better not forget who REALLY keeps you in power, mutherfucker.

I’m pretty familiar with military culture.  I bet there’s plenty of folks in uniform right now just as fed up with the Commander in Chump’s bullshit as I am.  There’s a passel of ’em in Syria right now wondering WTF.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see a little PWFWC training exercise unfold on the White House lawn sometime soon.

The Secret Service will have their hands full just trying to determine which end is up.  Despite their oath, I doubt many are willing to die for the Orange Fuckwit like TSgt Chapman died for his country.  I’d like to see the current POTUS hauled out in handcuffs.  Just my humble opinion.

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