PedoPoseurdom Demographics

We can be confident people in this group will constitute a large cross-section of PedoPoseurdom demographics:  Criminally negligent corporate executives and everyone else who gets a kick out of violating the public trust.  I suppose low-level types like this could be given a parole option.  The biggest swath from that bunch will be the typically common fraudsters and inside traders.  These people are sociopaths enthusiastically testing the limits of decent society with impunity.

Now we can expect to see Boeing emerge from this as just another too-big-to-fail economically foundational organized crime syndicate.  Some of these people need to go to jail if the findings are in fact true.  If the overall company suffers  unduly or eventually fails, that is incentive for others to think about going forward.  Police yourselves, assholes.

I experienced this type crap going on in Lockheed myself.  Corners cut, specs fudged, tests faked.  It’s everywhere economic incentive to cheat exists, and government is basically helpless to stop it.  It’s nothing against the companies or workforce themselves.  The problem is, they are after all, made up of imperfect people like you and me.

What do you expect?  I’m pretty sure most expect higher standards in aircraft safety – especially from the people responsible for this type stuff.  Boeing has alot of work left to do.  This is not about getting the Max back in the air.  It’s about getting Boeing’s head out of their collective asses.

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