Just a Theory

The weed horse has alot of life left in it. So I’ll keep aggressively beating it.  It’s not going away, and it certainly won’t die.  How do you un-beat the near-dead horse Christianity and Capitalism tried to kill?

I just realized personal corroboration for the NORML post linked above.  All through this back injury nonsense I’ve been confronted with doctors over and over again who didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with me.  I wonder why…

There is no question Cannabis effectively calms the muscle spasms invoked by this particular back injury.  My entire midsection, down the right leg and up into the right shoulder were literally locked with muscle clenching throughout January and February this year, immediately following the left hip surgery.  At the time, it was just a bad reaction to the surgery.  Took 6 months of hacking through the thickest jungle of VA bullshit I’ve ever experienced to clear up that little misunderstanding.

It’s still terrible – I’m just growing accustomed to it.  Still rolling big knots out of my buttocks and back every night.  Still slightly limping to the right – with a fresh hip replacement on the left.  Go figure.  Like I told Chris the other day, I don’t care about the pain.  That’s no picnic either.  All I really want is to just be able to walk again.

Then that article popped up in my news feed this morning and I had an epiphany.  I remembered sitting in Annie’s office being interviewed at the Loveland VA a couple weeks ago.  It drew out late into the afternoon, and I was sitting there literally twitching from time-to-time because I hadn’t had any medication all day.  No – not the meth-head tweaker-type drug-withdrawal twitch.  It’s a unique little doodad this thing does when the glute receives some aberrant, momentary little jolt from the festering nerves in there that just sorta radiates out into the leg and up the back.  Left un-treated, it continues spreading further, more intensely, eventually clamping down and not releasing any time I’m on my feet.  It’s the body’s natural radiculopathy reaction to nerve root damage.  I wonder if Annie noticed me starting to do that, at the worst I’ve been in probably the last 2 months, or since my last T-break.  I’m pretty sure MJ is the biggest thing keeping me going right now.

But what about every other prior doctor visit so far this year?  They saw a healthy-looking 60-YO without a cane (most times) appearing to walk normally, good vitals – WTF?!  It’s easy to see how George was fooled.  I showed up at the first followup 2 weeks after surgery, off the hydrocodone already, rarin’ to go.  But I never recovered.  How much you wanna bet the Cannabis has been masking my symptoms all year long – enough to the point where doctors were slotting me into their personal whiny hypochondriac category right off the bat?

Just a theory.  But if that’s the answer to my VA problem, it’s still the wrong answer.  I’ve been telling them about it for years, turning down the pharmaceuticals.  KInda hard to get with the program when people can’t agree on how to conduct what program.

My new theme song: Walking Nerve, by Nils Lofgren

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