While I'm Still in a Real Bad Mood…

Fuck Trump, too.  Apparently Donny-boy recently had his eye on Greenland for some reason.  Him and the Pope should start a new country in there called Pedo-Poseurdom.  We’ll build a wall around the whole goddamn continent, start up a NATO-sponsored no-fly zone, and ship in every sumbitch’n dictator, pedophile and high-ranking corporate cocksucker that steps out of line.  They can butt-fuck each other all day long while proclaiming their great wisdom and sanctity.

This cretin simply cannot be for real.

“Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness,” Trump tweeted. “Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

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