Just What I needed VIII

I was hoping to get this done in 10 installments.  After meeting with the folks at the Colorado Spine Institute today, that is finally starting to look like a real possibility.  Yesterday was also a stroke on the plus side for a change, when as expected, the EMG test turned up negative.  That’s a GOOD thing – still no nerve damage – or so they say.

CSI looks like the real deal.  I don’t doubt the last 2 spine guys are knowledgeable professionals.  But they aren’t good doctors, in my estimation.  The 1st guy had a canned spiel ready for me, and when specifically questioned about my 1 specific complaint, both of us gazing at the MRI display, his response was “what, that little thing – that’s nothing.”  The 2nd guy just flatly refused to do what I knew then needs done.  And just for the record, Dr. Knight with the rehab gang in the Aurora VA also flatly refused.  I haven’t even met Dr. Donner yet, but his PA, Chris took the time to ask all the right, carefully reasoned diagnostic questions, AND explain in detail the complicated mess of potential implications and outcomes.

So I’ll undergo a CT Discogram soon as we can get it scheduled, and see what happens.  Best guess prognosis at this time seems to lead to a fusion procedure.  Or it could be nothing, maybe something in-between.  I’m not exactly looking forward to another surgery, but I can’t go on like this.


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