Just What I Needed IV

I get so tired of doing other people’s work for them. But yesterday was progress.  Like I said in the last installment of this saga – probably not the last word.  I understand how listening to old folks complaining about their back problems could become de-sensitizing after awhile.  Sorry, but if you’re not ready to do that conscientiously with real concern, you might be in the wrong business.

Anyway, TriCare (insurance provider) is looking at a re-do or 2nd opinion on the spine eval, and I have a new Primary Care physician, based out of Loveland.  Evidently, this annular tear thing happens to be one of the least well-diagnosed back issues in all of neurology.  Just as I had to corner a surgeon and demand an MRI in June, it now appears I will need to perform a similar instructional session regarding the need for a CT discogram with yet another highly skilled and qualified doctor, suffering from their own hubris and diagnostic inflexibility.

I’ve been meaning to change my Primary Care location for years, but primary care has never been anything I was too concerned with.  They give me drugs I don’t need or want, listen to my healthy heart and lungs, and provide referrals.  I just need that last bit for someone to work on the mechanical and electrical issues.  In my case at least, the so-called “Primary Care” entity has never been anything but a time-consuming scheduling roadblock and source of confusion.

The 3rd thing from yesterday was the VA did manage to re-instate the MKS (physical therapy) consult without another office visit, so that’s something, I suppose.  I had to cancel that appointment last week to go see spine doctor Gerlach in Longmont.  When I called to re-schedule, they told me the consult itself was rescinded?  Deja vu.  Remember the original spine consult from back in July?  (Cue Twilight Zone soundtrack.)  Still a little nervous about submitting to PT without a diagnosis, but we’re on the 9-month mark with a painful, disabling, un-treated back injury at this point. 

Sooner or later I will figure out how to get someone to help me extinguish the fire burning my ass any time I’m on my feet more than 10 minutes.

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