Just What I Needed III

Three outcomes from my January Hip Surgery:

  1.  New left hip.
  2.  New L4-5 annulus tear.
  3.  End of my patient role relationship with anybody wielding a knife.

It now seems unlikely I will be  passing through the doors of a VA facility much ever again.  Maybe the occasional flu shot.  It is quite likely and my solemn intent, the next time a surgeon gets anywhere near me with a scalpel, will be too soon.

Study finds medical malpractice claims most often associated with orthopedic surgery.

They somehow managed to roll in all three top contenders on me:

Probably not the last word on this, but here’s the neurology wrap-up in a feedback survey returned to Front Range Orthopedics, at their request:

“Thanks for the update on how low back pain affects millions and there’s not much we can do about it. But I was only there about the L4-5 annulus tear. I understand how orthopedic surgery is the biggest malpractice generator in the business, so no need to cover for your buddies. Regardless, please document with the VA or Tricare, however that interface works, if at all, your specific diagnoses calling for conservative treatment only WRT the annulus tear. I will be following up in the coming weeks to ensure that communication is being properly conducted.”

Then I find stuff like this.  Guess I’ll be on the quest for a 2nd opinion now…

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