The "Wired" Internet

Stumbled across an article in Wired magazine where the author made the following statement:  “The Internet is becoming a low-trust society, where an assumption of pervasive fraud is built in to the way things function.” How naive.  Anyone who was paying attention at the beginning never trusted it in the 1st place.  Just goes to show how generational knowledge fails to evolve.

Please allow me to correct the author’s thinking.  “A low-trust society has built widespread public electronic communications infrastructure without security.” I have a newsflash for some of these Internet pundits:  The “Internet” is merely a reflection of the people using it.  The Internet is not the problem, society is not the problem and the Internet is not a society.  I did not even continue reading the article after I saw the summary line.

The Internet is no different in this respect than many other tools used by dishonest and criminal elements to further their pursuits.  Mass shooting?  Guns bad.  Cyber fraud?  Internet bad.  Check your logic.  The typical underlying problem in the Internet’s case was the rush to capitalize and worry about the details later.  In the meantime, lower-tier capitalists were building their scam and fraud empires.  Good luck with that.

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