Just What I Needed II

It took waaaaay more time and effort to push this through the system than I’ve ever encountered before. The final tally was 2 IRIS complaints, 2 helpdesk complaints, 3 calls to the neurology scheduler, 3 calls to the nurses, confrontational appointments with a PA and 2 different orthopedic surgeons, and ultimately, a talk with Tom Martino on his radio talk show. I am dead fucking serious about all that. We could even include a couple of confrontational interactions with PT back in January-February if you want to go back that far. Not even mentioning the written communication. The last 3 paragraphs of a letter to Dr. Park are given below for your reading pleasure. I have no idea what one or combination of those things got this moving again, but here’s the latest entry from my symptoms log:

15 AUG 19: Managed to get an appointment with a spine doctor in Longmont next week. Been wondering how much worse PT made this from what they did to me back in Jan-Feb. It’s definitely getting worse, not better now. Rolling knots out of both glutes every night. Entire lower torso, hips and thighs in continuous, chronic strain. Any standing or walking causes increasing tightening in the erectors, glutes and obliques. Getting winded with minor exertion. Radiating ache from right side of L4-5 accompanied with sharp jabs on bending/twisting. Glutes are just about out of commission. Blood pressure still elevated – since January.

The insomnia with this is different than earlier bouts, waking from pain or inability to fall asleep. Falling asleep is no problem. Lying prone is the only time the primary muscle tensing symptoms subside. Even just sitting is a bit uncomfortable. Then, if the dogs bark or I get up to pee at 4am, there’s no going back to sleep, because any meds are worn off and the dull ache from L4-5 I don’t notice much throughout the day becomes emergent.

I clocked 180 over something the 2nd night in the hospital when they started withholding pain med, as usual. Of course I didn’t realize it at the time, but the burning sensation running up and down my spine had nothing to do with the new hip. That BP is just another clear symptom of the body’s auto-protect for an injury like this. Coming up on 8 months since they broke my back. Wonder if anybody besides Dr. Park has seen this letter sent to him in June, following the 1st formal complaint.

-snip –

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