Truck Fits

But only just. I was close to starting the deck railing project when we noticed the dogs had been busy digging under there again. By the time we got the junk cleared out it was apparent that wasn’t the only issue. Subsidence had created a negative grade situation, with runoff pooling in 2 different spots. I almost forgot how hard it was moving dirt by hand. I’d say probably about as hard as going through hip replacement rehab with a fresh back injury – that is to say, at least in my case here, excruciating.

I staked down some chain link under there to prevent further canine modifications. I also ended up spending the better part of 2 weeks re-laying a good portion of the patio stones due to ant undermining. I mixed in plenty of ant poison underneath everything hoping to avoid doing it again. I doubt I’ll have it in me, even at the slow pace I’m on these days.

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