Why 2 Trucks?

I get asked this question every so often, the answer is pretty simple and goes far beyond the obvious difference shown below. I suppose I’m lucky enough to have evolved into a “best of breed” sort of guy when it comes to my vehicles. I could use a few more categories, but still working on that elusive independently wealthy goal. The pickup truck category is a big one for me, though, so I’ll proceed to compare and contrast the 2 trucks shown below:

Work Truck – Play Truck
Family Truck – Personal Truck
Big Truck – Little Truck

The 07′ is obviously just a much larger vehicle. The back wheels on both trucks are the same distance away in this picture. It is larger, with greater capacity, comfort and all-around capability, no doubt – work truck with the best overall performance in every category, except one. The 07′ is an automatic transmission, which qualifies it for the family truck role, as well. Nobody drives the 1st Gen without ascending a steep learning curve of manual everything covered by a myriad of switches, buttons, levers etc. It is not for the faint of heart, to include an early RWAL (rear wheel anti-lock) system, suspension and brakes that, coupled with 700ft.lbs. of torque, can easily get an inexperienced driver in trouble pretty quickly.

So why even keep the old rattletrap? Simple – the fun factor! Despite making a little less power, it is a half ton lighter and just a blast to drive with the 5-speed stick. It has lower gearing (4.10), so the thing is a real torque monster, outrunning most anything else on the road from a 3rd gear roll-on. It’s no drag racer with the balky Getrag stick, but pulls like a train when it’s up on the turbo – pure forced-injection vehicular fun!

2 Trucks

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