Frederick Water Business

My stuff’s pretty small-scale. We’re down to one tropical aquarium with small species only now. The big Firemouths eventually all died off over a period of two years after being moved into the smaller 120-gallon basement tank. Probably just stressed each other out in too small a tank.

I wonder how much of the funding for that new bridge came from the Feds? It got dirt on it last week and will probably have a new road surface there by the end of the month, if all goes well. I guess maybe we’re ready for the next flood, around here.

Only issue with the pond is adjusting the water level to compensate for evaporation and needle valve wear. I’ve learned to get it going without intervention almost 2 days with the fountain turned off. Plants seem to have temperature under control. There were a couple years when it got uncomfortably warm before the surrounding trees and pond plant growth provided enough shade. Highest water temp seen this year was 79°F.

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