Stand and Lie

That’s basically what happened as The Fuckwit berated the country and insulted the populace, while Biden talked numbers. MAGA sucks it up and don’t care about logic, facts and numbers. Guess we’ll see what un-decided voters have to say about Trump’s nonsense in November. We already know what the base ruminates.

Stories and evasion answering questions, talked in nothing but hyperbolic absolutes (never, every, always, etc) bragging endlessly about his own self-aggrandizing lies. Napoleon Bonespurs likes to go back in time with every fantasy verbally falsified, making the perfect MAGA fascist candidate. Low-info voters must have been auto-orgasmic.

It was almost entertaining watching The Fuckwit string together streams of incoherent idiocy. Medical programs literally immediately pivoted to migrants at the border in the same sentence, while Biden often almost reflexively responded with the only rational word(s) – found in the title of this post. Just too bad it gave Benedict Dotard a platform outside the cult gatherings to spout his bullshyt.

I’m pretty sure compulsive lying is endemic in the GOP. It can’t not be, now. They started transmitting “won the debate” claims before it was half over. The fact check numbers are of course, epic. That goofy smile – how can they fall for that? He is quite the fuckwit con artist. We know what I’m thinking, right? What’s a voter to do when the other guy stutters and stumbles like the old geezer he is? Maybe Biden wasn’t juiced on adderall, after all? 😉

Malignant narcissism – right.

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