Re: A message from Senator Michael Bennet

It’s gonna be a 3-fer from me here on the weed topic early in 2019:

“Let me begin by saying that I understand and respect the strong feelings on both sides of this debate.”

Apparently you do not yet understand the fact that this “debate” as you refer to it, is based only on greedy capitalists wishing to continue taking unfair market advantage due to government collusion with the alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical industries for the past 70 years since the Federal ban was enacted. Anyone with their eyes open who has studied the science and read the history can see this. You need to educate yourself on the topic instead of trying to balance political interests on the backs of people in need.

“…we have a responsibility to cultivate an environment that protects our children from drug use…”

This duplicitous generalization only reinforces the fact that you simply do not know what you are talking about. Again, look at the facts: I won’t even mention the opioid issue, using alcohol alone as the example. Health risk (confirmed cancer link in recent studies), DUI (we don’t even yet have a reliable way to measure impairment with Cannabis because research has been stymied), domestic violence (how many husbands convicted of spouse abuse after ingesting Cannabis? Answer: ZERO). Yet Cannabis holds great potential and has been conclusively shown to offer health benefits in a wide assortment of chronic condition treatments, where corresponding pharmaceutical remedies are fraught with dangerous side effects and high cost. Have you seen the TV commercials? Oh hell, let’s just mention the opiate/painkiller comparison: OD risk for Cannabis: again- ZERO. How may CO citizens died from opiate overdose last year, while the Pharma Co’s continue raking in millions?

“Should any marijuana legislation come before the Senate, I will keep your concerns in mind.”

Based on your response, I find that doubtful.

Lying, Teat-Sucking Idiots.

Full text of the senator’s message here.

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