Cannabis' Economic Benefits

As long as we’re on the topic, apparently industry insiders are just now coming out of a 50-year coma:

“Consumers will continue to look to cannabis products over alcohol for occasions when they are feeling creative, need to get motivated, or seeking health, medical or wellness benefits,” BDS Analytics’s Vice President Jessica Lukas added.”

The headline reads:


So, just as the electric utilities are caught with their pants down by alternative energy, so the alcohol industry begins to realize decades of unfair market dominance are coming to a close.  The craft brewers here in CO saw it coming, and hemp-infused beer is gaining traction.  Looks like once again, greedy capitalists will be scrambling to preserve their bottom line and jobs in an industry that does little more than cause a whole host of problems including dangerous health issues, DUI, domestic violence, etc.

Society will eventually realize benefits from the truth about Cannabis and the alcohol industry will adjust to a size and market cap more appropriate for such enterprise in today’s economy.

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