The Springs Suck

Going on two decades with that fuckwit Lamborn in Congress. Glad we got out of there when we did. I had a feeling it was a little hotbed of MAGA-type activity all along. LOTS of racist mutherfuckers from my AIr Force experience there. I’ll never forget the time me, the Captain, my partner and the Squadron Commander jumped in my car for a trip to the Mountain one day. That one Ice-T song with some n-word innuendo came on. Somebody snickered. Not sure who, I was driving. I still think that might be why he dug in when 21-Net tried to take revenge on me for the Melissa debacle.

This week, the Colorado Springs City Council passed a resolution 6-3 to affirm that it is not a sanctuary city, stating it was “protecting the security and quality of life of the citizens of Colorado Springs.” The definition of a sanctuary city is nuanced, but in general it means that local law enforcement will not cooperate with federal immigration officials and will not deny services based on immigration status.

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